Tunstead and Sco Ruston Parish Council Meeting

A reminder that the Parish council of the Tunstead and Sco Ruston villages will meet this evening (19th September) at 7:30, in the modular building known as Tunstead Village Hall in Market Street. Residents of the villages are very welcome to attend.

Tunstead and Sco Ruston Parish Council


  1. ½ hour Public Participation to include Police, County and District Councillor reports.
  2. Apologies for absence.
  3. To receive declarations of interest in items on the Agenda and any requests for a dispensation.
  4. To conconsider the minutes of the meeting of the previous meeting.
  5. To report matters arising from these minutes.
  6. To consider received correspondence.
  7. To review Clerk’s financial report and agree payments
  8.  To discuss Highway matters
  9.  To discuss Planning matters, including planning applications which have been   commented on since the last meeting.
  10.  To discuss Environmental Matters.
  11.  Report from the Playing Field committee.
  12.  To report any other business (note that this is to report matters for inclusion in a future agenda or matters which require no decision to be made by the Parish Council).

All residents are very welcome to attend

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 21st November in Tunstead Village Hall at 7.30pm.

 Parish Clerk

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