• Replacement chairs for the village hall

    The closure of Wymondham Red Cross Support Centre presented the Tunstead Village Hall Committee with the opportunity to obtain 2 dozen stackable padded wooden reception chairs for our modular building. These will be used to replace the collection of tired chairs that we currently have.

    The replacement chairs are similar to some of the wooden chairs we already use. The newer chairs come with blue backs and squabs or green backs and squabs. Being stackable has an advantage in that we can more easily move the unused chairs to one end of the hall. Stacking also came in handy when the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee and an assistant went to collect them. Wendy had already been to view them and returned with as many chairs as her car could hold, but a second trip was necessary. So last Saturday (19th August) we took a trip to Wymondham to collect the remainder.

    Wendy also collected an office cupboard, that once reassembled will be available for use in the hall.

    The Red Cross wished for a donation, which the village hall committee was only too glad to offer.

    So next time you come to use the modular building for a coffee morning or an evening bingo session, you can sit in a more comfy chair.

    Now to find some replacement tables, and of course a replacement modular building! We wish the committee luck with their endeavours.

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