• Tunstead Family Drop-in

    A new regular family event has been organised by “Action for Children”.  The Tunstead Primary School is the venue for Drop-in sessions which will take place on the first Thursday of the month. The session will be open from 8:45 until 10:15. Please feel free to visit at any time during the session. more details>>

  • Cold snap and our neighbours

    With this cold snap we are having I thought I would like to remind people to check on your vulnerable neighbours. Norfolk County Council have renewed their winter “Stay Well this Winter” campaign. I have published some of the advice they offer.

    “The campaign encourages everyone in Norfolk to do five things that will help prevent vulnerable people being put at risk this winter: 

    • Encourage people who are eligible for a free flu jab on the NHS to get it. Eligibility for the flu jab, and how to get it, can be checked at www.nhs.uk/flujab.  
    • Ensure your home or a vulnerable person’s home is well-heated and insulated – living in cold, damp or mouldy rooms can affect your health, exacerbate long-term health conditions and increase the chance of stroke and heart attack, among other illnesses.
    • Keep warm by wearing lots of layers, moving around regularly if possible and eating hot meals and drinking hot drinks.  
    • Check in on people you know who may struggle in the winter, particularly during periods of very cold, icy or snowy weather, and consider offering them what support you can to help them cope. If you think someone’s safety is at risk, contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020. In an emergency always ring 999. 
    • Some people, particularly older people, may be at extra risk of injury from falling during the winter, with ice and the cold’s effects on conditions such as osteoarthritis contributing. Reduce the chance of falling over and resulting injury by strengthening muscles through exercise (a programme of sitting exercises can be found on the NHS website) and by having well-fitting footwear with good grip on the sole – in both shoes and slippers. “

    I hope this will help.


  • The Tunstead and Sco-Ruston Blog

    I have recently taken on the role of Village Web Site Administrator. The job consists of keeping the Blog up-to-date and reviewing the information pages. I have been looking through the previous editions, and I must say that thanks go to Val Taylor-Rowe for doing a great job. She will be a tough act to follow, but I will do my best.

    For those of you who are not familiar with blogs, I’ll explain. These are snippets of information, thoughts, or items of pure entertainment. Blogs are supposed to be short and to the point whilst giving the reader the opportunity to contribute.

    As you can tell from my writing style I am more a functionary than a journalist, or entertainer, so I am looking to my dear readers to provide these snippets.

    I would like these blogs to have the content and tone of someone chatting in a café, pub or chatting to neighbours over the garden fence. So, that will give you an idea of the sort of thing I am after. Of course, the usual caveats apply, it must to positive, informative, interesting or simply fun.

    Do you have a family member who has done something you are proud of?

    Have you won the lottery? (Don’t tell the Village Hall fund-raisers – Oh go on, let them have a few quid).

    Has someone helped you and you wish to thank them publicly?

    You are new to the area, and wish to know what is going on?

    Do you have any special ideas?

    Do you run a club that needs promoting?

    Is there a special event you wish to let us know about; births, death and marriages, though not necessarily in that order.

    You can write to me using the contact page of the website. Send in your snippet via the email form, or leave your contact details. If you don’t wish to write the content of the blog yourself why not get a friend to do it, or even me. I could come around for a chat and we can work out what to write, together.


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