• Replacement chairs for the village hall

    The closure of Wymondham Red Cross Support Centre presented the Tunstead Village Hall Committee with the opportunity to obtain 2 dozen stackable padded wooden reception chairs for our modular building. These will be used to replace the collection of tired chairs that we currently have.

    The replacement chairs are similar to some of the wooden chairs we already use. The newer chairs come with blue backs and squabs or green backs and squabs. Being stackable has an advantage in that we can more easily move the unused chairs to one end of the hall. Stacking also came in handy when the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee and an assistant went to collect them. Wendy had already been to view them and returned with as many chairs as her car could hold, but a second trip was necessary. So last Saturday (19th August) we took a trip to Wymondham to collect the remainder.

    Wendy also collected an office cupboard, that once reassembled will be available for use in the hall.

    The Red Cross wished for a donation, which the village hall committee was only too glad to offer.

    So next time you come to use the modular building for a coffee morning or an evening bingo session, you can sit in a more comfy chair.

    Now to find some replacement tables, and of course a replacement modular building! We wish the committee luck with their endeavours.

  • Can we get a new modular building?

    There was a presentation at the last Tunstead Village Hall meeting. The presentation described the results of a feasibility study that was undertaken to determine the viability of purchasing a replacement modular building.

    A lot of hard work has gone into raising funds for a new village hall.  Several attempts to apply for a Lottery Grant have not come to fruition, so a new direction was sought, especially as the old modular building is fast becoming beyond economic repair. It was for that reason that the suggestion to replace it with a stock modular building was muted. The village has now raised £30,000. It was felt that the time had come to take a serious look at purchasing a replacement, so the feasibility study was commissioned.

    The presentation started with a review of the needs of the village. It continued by discussing how the needs of the village can be resolved through use of an updated modular building. The presenter felt that our village could demonstrate “need” in a significant way; namely isolation. Tunstead and Sco Ruston do not have local access to services and facilities, and villagers have to travel to use those services. In a world where every ounce of emission, pollution, and energy is measured through a concern for the environment, having the ability to host some of those services and facilities within the village will give significant leverage on obtaining a grant to supplement the money the village has so far raised.

    It was shown that £30,000 does go a long way towards purchasing  a new building, but it does not cover a large number of other costs associated with the installation of such a building. The presentation continued by looking at the ways in which the significant short-fall could be raised; through grants. It was shown that grants can come from a number of sources; not just the Lottery, using the Norfolk County Council Community Fund Service. Using this service it would be possible to identify grant suppliers and apply for a number of smaller grants to fulfil specific areas of need; both financial and social.

    The next step is to create a project plan for the replacement modular building, and publish it; seeking responses and commitment to the plan.

    Here are the highlight slides used in the presentation. Hilights of feasibility study

    If you have any constructive thoughts on this subject please use the comments section at the bottom of the page or contact the Village Hall Committee.


  • Village Hall Committee Meeting – 8th August

    A reminder that the Tunstead Village Hall Committee Meeting is on Tuesday 8th August at 7:30 pm. This is a public meeting, so anyone is welcome to attend.

    There is a standard agenda:

    • The minutes of the last meeting are reviewed and approved
    • Treasurers report
    • Updates on the progress of forth-coming events
    • Discussion about new fund raising initiatives
    • Any Other Business

    There will be an additional agenda item:

    A presentation on the feasibility study for the replacement modular building

    If you have an interest in these matters, please come along.

  • Well done mop and bucket crew

    It was Mop and Bucket Day on Sunday 23rd April. It was time to give the buildings on the Recreation Ground a spruce-up ready for the season’s activities. So the changing rooms and the main building were tended to by a small, but dedicated team of volunteers. So thanks go to the team; Wendy, two Christines, Neil, Lisa, Poppy, Tilly and Clive.

    The morning was pleasant and mild, just right to enable the team to sweep, dust, wash and polish the insides of the buildings. We turned up around 10:00am and set-to dividing into three parties; one cleaning the main hall, another team tackling the shower rooms, and Neil acting as handyman; hammering and screwing anything that needed fixing. Neil was helped by his two children; who spent some of their time testing the play equipment on the recreation ground. Wendy kept the teas and coffees flowing in-between her cleaning duties knowing that refreshments would be welcomed by everyone.

     By lunch-time the main tasks had been completed, and a to-do list had been compiled. The cobwebs were gone. The dust diminished. Floors swept and washed, and the walls wiped over.

    The team thought the buildings looked just right for acting as the base for the yard sale on May 7th, and the Fête on June 11th.

    There are still one or two repair and replace jobs left to do, so we would like volunteers to come forward and lend a hand. Please contact Wendy directly, or though this web site, if you can spare some time to help out.

    issued 24/4/17
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